

電影《依然相信》(I Still Believe)改編自當代基督教音樂家傑里米·坎普(Jeremy Camp)與第一任妻子瑪莉莎(Melissa)之間的動人愛情故事,劇情敘述傑里米與瑪莉莎相識相戀,瑪莉莎卻罹患卵巢癌,能存活的時間不長,傑里米不但對愛人不離不棄,還寫了不少感動人心的樂曲,希望藉由歌聲將信念與愛傳遞給上帝,也為他最愛的瑪莉莎祈福。



其中〈I Still Believe〉則是他在妻子離世後,寫個第一首歌曲,整首歌充滿著希望、力量,也寄託著愛與祈禱,述說著即便妻子的離去使他心碎不已,但他仍相信神都有在傾聽、幫助他走出這段痛苦的歷程,這首歌也成為《依然相信》的電影主題曲,而改編電影中則是由《河谷鎮》 KJ Apa 主演 Jeremy Camp,由《為了與你相遇》Brit Robertson 飾演他的妻子 Melissa,電影將於 2020年3月20日感動上映。



Jeremy Camp - I Still Believe 依然相信 

Scattered words and empty thoughts 散落的語句、空泛的思想

Seem to pour from my heart 恍若從我的內心傾瀉而下

I've never felt so torn before 我從未如此痛徹心扉過

Seems I don't know where to start  心痛到不知從何開始

But it's now that I feel Your grace falls like rain 如今我感受到您的恩典如雨滴般落下

From every fingertip, washing away my pain 每次的觸碰都沖刷掉我的痛苦


I still believe in Your faithfulness 我依然相信您予以的信念

I still believe in Your truth 我依然相信您的真理真義

I still believe in Your holy word 我依然相信您的聖言

Even when I don't see, I still believe 就算我看不見這些,但我依然相信



Though the questions still fog up my mind 雖然許多問題仍在心中縈繞不去

With promises I still seem to bear 但我仍堅守著承諾

Even when answers slowly unwind 即使答案緩慢地揭曉

It's my heart I see You prepare 我的心依然能看見您所準備的一切

But it's now that I feel Your grace falls like rain 如今我感受到您的恩典如雨滴般落下

From every fingertip, washing away my pain 每次的觸碰都沖刷掉我的痛苦


I still believe in Your faithfulness 我依然相信您予以的信念

I still believe in Your truth 我依然相信您的真理真義

I still believe in Your holy word 我依然相信您的聖言

Even when I don't see, I still believe 就算我看不見這些,但我依然相信



The only place I can go is into your arms 我唯一能投奔的是您的臂彎裡

Where I throw to you my feeble prayers 那裏我可以是脆弱的禱告者

In brokenness I can see that this was your will for me 即便支離破碎我能看見這是您給的意旨

Help me to know Your near 幫助我知道您就在身邊







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