Sia - Alive  

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蠻多人問說片尾曲到底是哪首歌  答案就是: Sia - Alive


其實Google一下歌名 隨便都可以找到中英歌詞  
只是為了想體會歌詞的意涵  所以就自己翻譯了一下歌詞 (想翻得跟電影有點關聯)


其中一部預告也有用到這首歌喔 >______^ 


Sia - Alive  活下去

[Verse 1]

I was born in a thunderstorm  我誕生於狂風暴雨

I grew up overnight 成長於一夕之間

I played alone 總是一個人

I played on my own 孤獨地與自己遊戲

I survived 我是倖存者


I wanted everything I never had 我渴望得到我從未擁有的一切

Like the love that comes with light 譬如光明與其閃耀出的愛意

I wore envy and I hated that 我厭恨自己活在妒忌之中

But I survived 但是至少我還活得好好的



I had a one-way ticket to a place where all the demons go 我正前往煉獄且一去不復返

Where the wind don't change 那裏荒涼貧瘠

And nothing in the ground can ever grow 甚至寸草不生

No hope, just lies 了無生息,毫無生氣

And you're taught to cry into your pillow 你選擇逃避面對,窩在枕邊哭泣

But I survived 而我選擇勇敢面對,努力活下去



I'm still breathing, I'm still breathing 抓住僅存的一絲契機

I'm still breathing, I'm still breathing 與殘留的任何氧氣

I'm alive 努力讓自己

I'm alive 撐過這些難關

I'm alive 努力讓自己

I'm alive 勇敢活下去


[Verse 2]

I found solace in the strangest place 我意外的在這個異地找到歸屬

Way in the back of my mind 在繁雜的思緒中

I saw my life in a stranger's face 隱約看到一張陌生的臉

And it was mine 而那正是以前的我



I had a one-way ticket to a place where all the demons go 我已身在煉獄,毫無退路

Where the wind don't change 即便我無法改變一切

And nothing in the ground can ever grow 也無法創造奇蹟

No hope, just lies 只能任憑絕望叢生

And you're taught to cry into your pillow 但我拒絕向懦弱屈服

But I survived 我要堅強的活下去



I'm still breathing, I'm still breathing 謹記每一口呼吸的感覺

I'm still breathing, I'm still breathing 謹記活躍的心跳脈動

I'm alive 時時提醒自己

I'm alive 我還活著

I'm alive 仍然活著

I'm alive 而且還要繼續活下去



You took it all, but I'm still breathing 你剝奪了一切

You took it all, but I'm still breathing 想摧毀我

You took it all, but I'm still breathing 置我於死地

You took it all, but I'm still breathing 但我仍堅強活著

You took it all, but I'm still breathing 你不斷想擊潰我

You took it all, but I'm still breathing 讓我臣服於脆弱

You took it all, but I'm still breathing 向命運低頭

You took it all, but I'm still breathing 但我絕不放棄任何希望



I have made every single mistake 我犯下的每一個過錯

That you could ever possibly make 是你也會犯下的錯誤

I took and I took and I took what you gave 你予取予求,我未曾有怨言

But you never noticed that I was in pain 但你卻從未注意到那使我遍體鱗傷

I knew what I wanted; I went in and got it 我曉得自己需要什麼,我會憑著自己的能力得到它

Did all the things that you said that I wouldn't 你以為我沒種面對現實,但很顯然地你錯得離譜

I told you that I would never be forgotten 我絕不會被世界遺忘

And all in spite of you 除了你之外



And I'm still breathing, I'm still breathing 你無法置我於死地

I'm still breathing, I'm still breathing 你辦不到

I'm alive (You took it all, but I'm still breathing) 因為我堅不可摧

(You took it all, but I'm still breathing) 儘管你剝奪一切,我仍能撐下去

I'm alive (You took it all, but I'm still breathing) 我堅毅不屈

(You took it all, but I'm still breathing) 即便你將我推絕望谷底,我仍滿懷希望

I'm alive (You took it all, but I'm still breathing) 絕對不會因為你

(You took it all, but I'm still breathing) 讓我放棄存活的機會

I'm alive 我要活下去



I'm alive 我還活著

I'm alive 仍然活著

I'm alive 而且

I'm alive 還會繼續活下去

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    創作者 艾米希莉 Amesily 的頭像
    艾米希莉 Amesily


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