
Bea Miller - Brand New Eyes  |開拓新視野|

[Verse 1]
When I'm looking at myself    每當我看著自己
I see a thousand perspectives of me  總會看見數千種自己未來的樣子
Everyone is letting me show 而在眾人面前
A side of myself I can't see    總是能看見自己不熟悉的另一面

I'm wide awake now 此時此刻,我完全清醒了
I'm free of the doubt 也拋開對自己的疑慮
Don't wanna look down 不想要貶低自己的能力
And if I fall out, I lay on the ground 若是我在人生的路途跌倒了,我會選擇仰頭
And look to the clouds 望向無垠天空

It's like I got brand new eyes, and I can finally see 我的視野瞬間開闊起來,而我終於能看見
What has always been right there in front of me 總是在我面前的遠大前途
And with these brand new eyes I'll take in everything 當我看清我所擁有的一切
And I will finally see me 我將會看見最真實的自己
I can finally see 我終於看見
I can finally see it 自己的優點
I can finally see 也終於看見
I can finally see it 光明璀璨的未來

[Verse 2]
Couldn't let the world decide 不能讓世界去決定
All of the things that I can or can't do 我是否能完成那些不可能的任務
What if I had taken all the things 只要我能克服心裡那些擊潰我的障礙
That broke me and made them my truth 我將能實踐所有夢想

I'm wide awake now 我已經完全清醒

I'm free of the dobut 不再對自己有所懷疑
Don't wanna look down 也不會再瞧不起自己
And if I fall out, I lay on the ground 儘管一再的挫敗,轉換個念頭
And look to the clouds 仍能看見無限希望

It's like I got brand new eyes, and I can finally see 就像眼界被開闊了般,而且終於能夠看見
What has always been right there in front of me 那一直都在我面前的美好未來
And with these brand new eyes I'll take in everything 以及我所擁有的一切
And I will finally see me 這也讓我看見了最真實的自己

I can finally see 我終於看到
I can finally see it 自己的優點
I can finally see 也終於能看見
I can finally see it 前途似景的未來




※歡迎分享歌詞連結 :) ※

其實個人蠻喜歡 Bea Miller,最喜歡她的【Fire N Gold】和【Yes Girl】♡
聽到她為電影【奇蹟男孩】唱主題曲真的超開心的 >      < 畢竟這部也算是我今年期待的電影 (詳見: 2017年電影推薦清單III:下半年
而且是由【壁花男孩】的導演執導,又有【不存在的房間】的雅各底迪主演,實在讓人很期待 ^____^












    創作者 艾米希莉 Amesily 的頭像
    艾米希莉 Amesily


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