Apple TV+ 原創音樂愛情劇《逐夢之聲》(Little Voice)由葛萊美獎得主 Sara Bareilles 和 J.J. Abrams 等製片共同製作,劇情探索著正值二十歲出頭的社會新鮮人,尋找內在真實聲音的旅程。
本劇將於 7/10 於 Apple TV+ 首播,而影集主題曲則是由身兼製片的 Sara Bareilles 演唱,官方甚至還連同主題曲剪輯了一部搶先看預告,儘管還不曉得故事會如何發展,但光是聽到音樂和片段畫面就讓人更是期待這部新劇!
▮《Little Voice》影集主題曲 中英歌詞
Sara Bareilles - Little Voice 微小心聲
[Verse 1]
Here it is 這就是
It's everything I am and what I'm not 完整的我、迷失的我
And all I'm tryna be 以及我嘗試成為的模樣
This is the part where I spit it all out 而這是我吐露心聲之處
And you decide what you think of me 也是你們決定怎麼看待我
I'm not trying to be complicated 我並不想讓一切變得複雜
I'm never waiting to get the last laugh 也不願等待最終勝利
But I've been handing out benefits of the doubt 但我盡可能的往好處想
And I'd like a little bit back 嘗試找回一部分自己
It's just a little voice 雖然內心的聲音微乎其微
And if you're listenin' 但若是你願意傾聽
Sometimes a little voice 有時微小的聲音
Can say the biggest things 也能帶來龐大的影響力
It's just my little voice that I've been missing 而這正是我所懷念的自己
[Verse 2]
Looking over the precious moments, it hurts, don't it? 回顧珍貴的瞬間,才感受到內心隱隱作痛
They can cut both ways 回憶能帶來喜悅,亦能帶來痛苦
No amount of remembering the better things will make the bad ones go away 僅守住美好事物也不見得能使壞事消失
But I've been broken and the one to blame 我已支離破碎,並成為眾矢之的
So my savior is self-defense, taught me to sing what I can't say 自我防衛便成為我的救世主,教導我如何唱出無法述說的委屈
It's just a little voice 儘管我的聲音不夠宏亮
And if you're listenin' 但若是你願意傾聽
Sometimes a little voice 有時再微小的聲音
Can say the biggest things 也能帶來很大的改變
It's just my little voice that I've been missing 這只是我懷念的聲音
It's just my little voice that I've been missing 我的微小心聲
*以上歌詞由 Amesily 翻譯,也歡迎各位批評指教!*