新版《蝙蝠俠 2022》(The Batman) 電影雖然少了許多動作場面,但是對於蝙蝠俠、高譚市與每個人物的刻畫卻描摹地相當細膩,尤其是對於布魯斯韋恩所背負的瘡疤,更是花了一些篇幅呈現,而羅伯派汀森也把布魯斯韋恩內心隱藏的憂鬱與哀愁詮釋地極為內斂又令人印象深刻,此外,電影有許多台詞和對白非常刻骨銘心,像是蝙蝠俠的獨白不只彰顯出凜然的正義,也充滿無限希望;「謎語人」的謎語看似只是戲謔的遊戲,但實質上卻暗諷著高譚市政府的腐敗與貪婪,也映照著現實社會似乎也逐漸「高譚化」的現象。
本文精選了18句《蝙蝠俠 2022》的電影台詞、語錄金句,就讓我們來看看是哪些台詞讓人難以忘懷吧!
- 「這是個大城市,我不可能無處不在,但他們不知道我深藏於何處。」—— 蝙蝠俠
"It’s a big city. I can’t be everywhere. But they don’t know where I am." - Batman
- 「恐懼是一種手段。當探照燈照向夜空,那不僅是召喚,更是一種警告。」—— 蝙蝠俠
"Fear is a tool. When that light hits the sky, it’s not just a call; it’s a warning to them." - Batman
- 「他們以為我躲藏在陰影裡,但我就是那黑影。」—— 蝙蝠俠
They think I’m hiding in the shadows, but I am the shadows. - Batman
- 「這個城市的問題,就在於每個人都害怕挺身而出、做對的事,致使犯罪分子未曾入眠。」—— 蝙蝠俠
"That is the problem with this city. Everyone is scared to stand up and do the right thing. The criminal element never sleeps." - Batman
- 「我們若不挺身而出,誰都不會。」—— 貓女
"If we don’t stand up, no one will." - Catwoman
- 「或許我們沒有什麼不同。面具下的你到底是誰?」—— 貓女
"Maybe we’re not so different after all. Who are you under there?" - Catwoman
- 「蝙蝠俠和貓女,聽起來很威。」—— 貓女
"The Bat and the Cat. It has a nice ring." – Catwoman
- 「超出那條界線,你就會變得跟他一樣。」—— 蝙蝠俠
"Cross that line, you will become just like him." - Batman
- 「這個城市充滿了憤怒,也像我一樣留有瘡疤。即使表面的傷口已痊癒,傷痕還是能毀滅我們,但若是我們能存活下去,傷痕反而能改變我們,賦予我們能量,使生命更有韌性,且有勇氣奮戰到底。」——蝙蝠俠
"The city is angry, scared like me. Those scars can destroy us, even after the physical wounds have healed. When we will survive them, they can transform us. They can give us power to endure and strength to fight." - Batman
- 「我從未想過會再感受到恐懼,我以為我已經克服一切。我並不害怕死亡,但我現在才意識到,我無法擺脫的恐懼,就是再次失去我在乎的人。」—— 蝙蝠俠
"I never thought I would feel fear like that again. I thought I’d mastered all that. I'm not afraid to die. I realize now something I can’t pass this fear would ever come through any of that again is losing someone I care about." - Batman
- 「復仇無法改變任何人的過去,我必須成為英雄,因為人們需要希望,我必須讓人們知道有人在保護他們。」—— 蝙蝠俠
"Vengeance won’t change the past. Mine or anyone else's. I have to become more. People need hope. To know there’s someone out there for them." - Batman
- 「或許這個城市在自我毀滅,但我還是必須嘗試改變。」—— 蝙蝠俠
"The city is eating itself, but I have to try." - Batman
- 「是你讓我成為父親,而當時的你只剩下我可以依靠。」—— 阿福
"You made me a father. All you had was me." - Alfred
- 「你一直在責備自己,當時的你只是個孩子,布魯斯。我可以看見你眼中散出的恐懼,但我卻完全幫不上忙。」—— 阿福
"All you did was to blame yourself. You were only a boy, Bruce. I could see the fear in your eyes. But nothing I could help.” - Alfred
- 「事情在好轉之前會變得更糟,而有些人則會趁這個機會奪取一切。」
"Things will get worse before they get better. And some of us use the chance to grab everything they can."
- 「我們必須重建人們的信念。」
"We must rebuild people’s faith."
- 「騙子死後會做什麼呢?繼續撒謊。」——謎語人
"What does a liar do when he’s dead? He lies still."– The Riddler
- 「若你代表正義,請不要滿嘴謊言,你視而不見的代價是什麼?」—— 謎語人
"If you are justice, please do not lie. What is the price for your blind eye?" – The Riddler
- 謎語人:「它可以是殘酷、充滿詩意或是盲目,但是沒有它,暴力必定找上門。」
The Riddler: "It can be cruel, poetic or blind. But when it's denied, it's your violence you may find."
Batman: "Justice. The answer's justice."
- 「我只是想揭露這座藏汙納垢城市的真相。」—— 謎語人
"I’m just here to unmask the truth about this cesspool we call a city." – The Riddler