這次歌詞是和好友 Luthian 一起合作的 ^_____^ ♥
感謝她幫 Halsey 這首超有 Power 的"Castle" 做了一部超美的中英歌詞影片 (orz 甘拜下風)
做影片很傷神 (光是要對時間點就很頭痛 還要繪製背景) 真的是辛苦妳了!!!!!!
影片有點霓虹的style 又有股身在戰場上的氣勢、氛圍 > < (超喜歡♥)
想看更多 Luthian 的歌詞影片可以鎖定她的粉專露希的音樂綺想(點字連結)唷~
頻道訂閱連結: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdjCUKQjH-xTPrhFhvU8zeg
Halsey - Castle 城堡
[Verse 1]
Sick of all these people talking, sick of all this noise 厭惡世人的輿論批評與塵世間的繁雜喧擾
Tired of all these cameras flashing, sick of being poised 厭倦了總是得在鎂光燈的底下擺出端莊賢淑的模樣
And now my neck is open wide, begging for a fist around it 如今我仰頭望天,祈求有人能把我一拳打醒
Already choking on my pride, so there's no use crying about it 讓內心的驕傲抑止我脆弱的眼淚落下
Agnus dei 上帝的羔羊呀
Agnus dei 除去世人罪的主
Agnus dei 憐憫我們
Agnus dei 賜予我們平安
I'm headed straight for the castle 我率領軍隊殺出重圍
They wanna make me their queen 讓群眾稱我為后
And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean 儘管王座上的老人認為我並不會如此狠心
I'm headed straight for the castle 我仍要引領士兵直攻城堡
They’ve got the kingdom locked up 將他們團團包圍,毫無退路
And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut 王座上的老人覺得我該閉上美麗的唇瓣
Straight for the castle 好好與他一決死戰
[Verse 2]
Oh, all these minutes passing, sick of feeling used 噢,時光荏苒飛逝,我厭惡被利用的感覺
If you wanna break these walls down, you’re gonna get bruised 如果你想要擊垮城牆,那你必定會遍體鱗傷為此付出代價
And now my neck is open wide, begging for a fist around it 我伸直頸項,渴望被一手掐住
Already choking on my pride, so there's no use crying about it 讓窒息感遏止脆弱蔓生
Agnus dei 上帝的羔羊呀
Agnus dei 除去世人罪的主
Agnus dei 憐憫我們
Agnus dei 賜予我們平安
I'm headed straight for the castle 直搗城堡
They wanna make me their queen 讓眾人稱我為后
And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean 很顯然地王座上的老人不夠了解我
I'm headed straight for the castle 因為無論如何我就是要攻進城堡
They’ve got the kingdom locked up 讓他們潰不成軍
And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut 老人覺得我該閉上美麗的嘴
Straight for the castle 他可不會讓我輕易得逞
There's no use crying about it 無須憂慮
There's no use crying about it 無須畏懼
There's no use crying about it 無須害怕
There's no use crying about it 無須脆弱
I'm headed straight for the castle 我最終一定能奪下城堡
They wanna make me their queen 讓眾人封我為后
And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean 老國王呀,你一定會感到相當訝異
I'm headed straight for the castle 我竟然會毫不客氣地
They’ve got the kingdom locked up 將城堡團團包圍
And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut 即便你百般阻撓
I'm headed straight for the castle 我至始至終不會放棄我的理念
They wanna make me their queen 直到你放棄王權
And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying that I probably shouldn't be so mean 對,我就是如此壞心
I'm headed straight for the castle 不顧一切地闖入城堡
They’ve got the kingdom locked up 只為了將你擊垮
And there's an old man sitting on the throne that's saying I should probably keep my pretty mouth shut 而現在你已沒有權利讓我閉嘴了
Straight for the castle 畢竟你已經一無所有
個人最喜歡Emily Blunt 演得冰皇后 >////<
這不應該算是四月必看電影之一 :))