Taylor Swift - Look What You Made Me Do 身不由己
[First Verse]
I don’t like your little games 不喜歡你的花招把戲
Don’t like your tilted stage 不喜歡你給的虛假頭銜
The role you make me play 使我成為群眾裡
Of the fool 被嘲弄的愚人
No, I don’t like you 因此,我不得不討厭你
I don’t like your perfect crime 你所佈下的完美罪行
How you laugh when you lie 以及不打草稿的虛假謊言
You said the gun was mine 使得我成為眾人眼裡的罪犯
Isn't cool, no, I don't like you (oh) 這很酷嗎?不,這只會讓我對你更加恨之入骨
But I got smarter 但這讓我學會
I got harder in the nick of time 竭盡所能把握關鍵時刻
Honey, I rose up from the dead 死裡逃生
I do it all the time 而我時常這麼做
I got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined 你的名字因此被標上危險的記號
I check it once then I check it twice 為了確保安危,我還檢查不只一遍呢
Oooh, look what you made me do 喔看看你做的好人好事
Look what you made me do 讓我失去自我
Look what you just made me do 讓我身不由己
Look what you just made me — 甚至讓我背上不該有的罪名
Oooh, look what you made me do 喔看看你做的好人好事
Look what you made me do 讓我失去自我
Look what you just made me do 讓我身不由己
Look what you just made me 甚至讓我背上不該有的罪名
[Second Verse]
I don’t like your kingdom keys 不喜歡你那華而不實王國的鑰匙
They once belonged to me 他們曾一度屬於我
You ask me for a place to sleep 但在你前來尋求庇護之後
Locked me out and threw a feast 就被你占為己有
The world moves on, another day 時間一天天過去
Another drama, drama 每天都上演著不同的無聊戲碼
But not for me, not for me 至少都與我無關
All I think about is karma 而我深信因果報應遲早會為受害者換來正義的曙光
The world moves on, but one thing’s for sure 世界仍在運轉,但我能確信的是
Maybe I got mine but you’ll all get yours 或許我會挽回我應有的名譽,而你只會得到你該有的報應
But I got smarter 我學著會變得更聰明些
I got harder in the nick of time (nick of time) 努力地在重要時刻
Honey, I rose up from the dead 絕處逢生
I do it all the time (do it all the time) 而我總會找到出路的
I got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined 為此你們已被列在黑名單上
I check it once then I check it twice (oh) 永不除名
Oooh, look what you made me do 是你們將我逼我走投無路
Look what you made me do 讓我做出那些卑微的事
Look what you just made me do 讓我身不由己
Look what you just made me— 只能在絕境自生自滅
Oooh, look what you made me do 是你們將我逼我走投無路
Look what you made me do 讓我做出那些卑微的事
Look what you just made me do 讓我身不由己
Look what you just made me 只能在絕境自生自滅
I don’t trust nobody and nobody trust me 信任已失去任何意義
I’ll be the actress starring in your bad dreams 因為我將成為摧毀你美夢的殺手
“I'm sorry, the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now...” 「很抱歉,舊的泰勒絲現在不方便接電話喔...」
“Why? Oh, 'cuz she’s dead” 「你問為什麼啊? 噢,因為她被你殺了啊!」
Oooh, look what you made me do 回頭看看你們所做的一切吧
Look what you made me do 總有一天你們會後悔不已
Look what you just made me do 畢竟惡有惡報
Look what you just made me— 最終使你們身敗名裂
Oooh, look what you made me do 回頭看看你們所做的一切吧
Look what you made me do 總有一天你們會後悔不已
Look what you just made me do 畢竟惡有惡報
Look what you just made me 最終使你們身敗名裂
※ 備註:歌詞有重複之處就沒特別翻,例如:副歌(Chourus)的地方歌詞都會重複兩遍,Reprise 的地方也重覆四次 ※
※ 以上非官方翻譯歌詞,僅供參考,歡迎分享歌詞連結也請記得標明出處喔 ^_____^ ※
這幾天被神秘的蛇蛇影片洗禮後,終於等到 Taylor 的最新主打
其實嚴格說起來我不算的 Taylor 鐵粉,只是她的音樂創作我都會特別關注一下
雖然我對於之前 Taylor 電話風波的新聞也只是看看而已,不是很了解所有來龍去脈,但是透過這首歌能深刻感受 Taylor 的處境
像是[Reprise]那段的"cuz she’s dead" 我才翻成「被你們扼殺」,而不單單只是說舊的她死去了~
有些不順的地方還請多多包涵 > <
總之期待MV趕快釋出,還有看到 Taylor 現場詮釋這首歌 ♥
11/10 新專輯【Reputation】全球同步發行(準備存錢樓XD)